CLLDF at Calgary Expo 2019 (part 2)

We are proud to be sponsoring 2 guests this year at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, so make sure to visit u at booth number 6022! You met (or will meet) Lethargic Lad creator Greg Hyland. Now meet Ken Steacy!

KenSteacy warbears_cvr
Ken has a long and amazing pedigree in comics, having worked for DC, Marvel, and several other companies throughout the 80s. Covering titles such as Batman, Space Ghost, Astro Boy, and the final, rare issues of Marvel's original Star Wars run, he still continues today with his most recent collaboration with Margaret Atwood on WARBEARS!Ken is an instructor of visual arts at Camosun College in Victoria, BC, and has his own publishing company!Ken was inducted into the Canadian Comic Book Creator Hall of Fame in 2009. We hope you come by and say "Hi" to this industry legend!
Ken will be along the guest wall with copies of his recent works and he will be doing sketches as well;4 x 6 : $40blank cover: $1008.5 x 11" watercolour: $250


It's the CLLDF at VanCAF 2019!


CLLDF at Calgary Expo 2019